Brady Magruder
Actor / Vocalist / Writer

"Brady Magruder provides a riveting performance as the protagonist, Dr. Thomas Stockman, by superbly conveying the character's complex mixture of intrinsic dignity and willful pride."

Well, hi! Nice of you to stop by my webpage :). I'm Brady Magruder, and here you'll find brief glimpses of all my creative adventures.
I'm originally from Spokane, WA, where I was raised in the wings of musical theatre. Yet, I had already decided I wanted to be in big-screen movies when I was four, running around the house in my Spider-Man costume with those fake muscles. My family and teachers endlessly encouraged me to pursue that dream. By the time I graduated High School, I had performed in over 13 musicals--one of them earned me a 2019 National High School Musical Theatre "Jimmy" Award nomination.
Desiring a more nuanced acting-specific training, I chose not to pursue a musical theatre degree; rather, I packed up and moved to Chicago, where I proudly graduated from The Theatre School (TTS) at DePaul University with a BFA in Acting. Despite attending during the 2020 Covid-19 Pandemic, TTS gave me all I ever wanted from a conservatory: a community of kind and bold artists; performance experience across numerous genres and styles; and a toolbox transferable to every aspect of life. It directly impacted my success as a DePaul Writing Center tutor, as a restaurant server and bartender, and as a Standardized Patient worker.
When I'm off the clock, I try to challenge my creative capacity as a writer. I'm an avid songwriter, acoustic guitar player, highly trained vocalist, and within 2 years I hope to publish my first novel. My heart is fulfilled through storytelling, which is why I've devoted my life to it... and there are so many stories to tell. As an actor, it is my goal to put my best effort into my own stories, as well as others' works; to lift each other up within the landscape of this crushing industry; to challenge myself and learn and grow and change; to never stop trying.
Feel free to scroll through my site for fun pictures, some acting material, and links to my other work.

One of the most exciting upcoming projects is called "CRUISING" by Rich Adrian Lazatin. It is a queer psycho-sexual thriller about Asian fetishization and the exploitation of overseas service workers. I'm thrilled to be acting in it and supporting one of my former classmates. The vibes of this project are similar to that of HBO's White Lotus, Saltburn, and Triangle of Sadness. Please support via the Kickstarter campaign if you are able :) Let's make this happen!